1. List and explain 3 things you learned from class today?

2. How do you see yourself using these 3 things in the development of becoming a well-rounded social worker and or international social worker?     

  • The world has many complex socio-economic and political challenges. The rise and increasing need for international social workers has not been more pronounced. Crushing national debt burdens, ethnic strife and genocide, endless wars, terrorism, and many other forms of oppression demand an effective societal response. Employing an international social work perspective can engage these crises and provide competent and evidence-based practice and intervention that is so needed. I look forward to learning more why and where extreme forms of human suffering is occurring and what I can do about it as a social worker with an international perspective.
  • My classmates and I have similar and varied interests. The quote that comes to mind when I think of how social workers can impact change is Margaret Mead’s quote: ““Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” As social workers we have tremendous power to join forces for good and seek justice nationally and internationally. Becoming more familiar with the interests on my peers is both enlightening and challenging. It is good to learn about what motivates my fellow classmates as we do not work for justice alone, but will need to rely on those working alongside of use. I am enjoying learning from my classmates and with my classmates the challenges facing social worker abroad and really domestically. For international problems do not occur in a vacuum, but impact our ever increasingly interconnected world. I am looking forward to becoming more equipped to speak competently about international issues and how they are relevant to our domestic concerns.

  • There seems to be something special about Switzerland. I was going to select Switzerland as a top pick for a country to flee, but opted to seek more information before deciding. As several of my classmates also selected Switzerland it got me thinking, what is so appealing about Switzerland? For me, Switzerland’s appeal comes from the fact that the country was not invaded by Nazi Germany during World War 2. One of the explanations of this is that in Switzerland, gun ownership is widespread. In Switzerland it is common to see citizens traveling on buses and in the community with so called “assault rifles.” As a result of the widespread gun ownership, crime is low and threats from outside forces will likely be unsuccessful because of resistance from the armed public. Another aspect of Switzerland that is appealing to me is the low taxes and business-friendly environment. I think that free enterprise, the exchange of goods and services is the best means for raising the quality of life for the people. As a social worker, I want to advocate for public policy that enhances the common good for the most people. Seeing how policies in other countries like Switzerland have been successful is substance for policy pursuits and advocacy in other areas and communities.